What a difference two days can make, Colorado is absolutely beautiful. Don't get me wrong Utah was amazing in it's own right, but there is something charming about a climate that is actually hospitable.
We started the day a little late as our hosts last night were less then concerned about the sleeping schedules of cross country cyclists and kept us up a little late with their raucous. Luckily they made up for this by pointing us in the direction of an amazing breakfast spot where for $4.95 we ate an immense dish known as the hill, fitting as we soon planned on climbing a hill. We snaked up through evergreen valleys making steady progress for 40 miles until we arrived in lovely Rico, one of the coolest towns we have yet seen.
We lunched with professional skier Felix Snow and when he heard we intended to stay in Placerville he exclaimed "to hell with that, to hell you ride (Telluride)". He felt it was just plain foolish to cycle within 4 miles of the best place on earth without paying a visit, we appeased him and promised we would spend the night.
After leaving town we decided that life is pretty good when you can cycle to nine and a half thousand feet, stash your bikes in a bush and hop in a 102 degree F natural hot spring to loosen up your muscles. We particularly enjoyed walking the 20 steps to the snow melt runoff and thus alternating between hot and cold. We were pretty excited about the rest of the days ride as a seventh generation Rico citizen told us that every single day he is repeatedly blown away by his days commute along that path. He was right as it was the most stunning part of the trip yet. We soon found ourselves above tree line enjoying insane views of 14,000 ft sheers. We are now enjoying a free gondola ride above Telluride taking in the sunset, this may just be my favorite place yet. -Lucas
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