November 4, 2015
Jean, NV -> Primm: 14 miles
We had a very productive day! Being in a group doesn't get us very far :P After waiting out the storm in Denny's we headed towards the snowy mountains. Didn't make it too far until we had to take a break again to wait out another tiny storm cell. The quick break turned into us staying there for the night. None of us wanted to bike over the mountain with snow and we don't have a schedule. Buffalo Bills it was! Its easy to travel with 4 was only $10 each to stay there. It was also a Casino and I'm sure it was so cheap because they assume we are going to gamble.
there was a rollercoaster around the hotel
November 5, 2015
Primm, NV -> Baker, California: 52 miles
We made it to Cali! Buffalo Bills was only about a mile from the border. We were so close! The morning was very chilly and Joe said this was the coldest that he has been riding for our whole trip. For the past week or so the 4 of us have been riding on highway 15 so we are ready to get out of traffic! As we were riding Joe said "Paramotor! Ryan's car! Dude that was Ryan!". The car stopped a little bit up the road, it was Ryan! Ryan and his wife Jess lived in Charleston and recently moved to San Diego. We will be staying with them for a little bit after Thanksgiving. It was CRAZY that he drove past us!
Baker is where we ended up for the day. Becky shipped some stuff at the post office and talked to the lady there about camping. She made a few calls and said that we could camp in the park, but that we might not want to camp on the grass because the sprinklers come on at midnight. With that being said we set up camp in the playground :)
these mountains and the roads were covered in snow the day before
November 6, 2015
Baker, CA -> Barstow: 65 miles
Busy highway all day and heavy traffic. A cross country race passed us...all super nice cars. For the afternoon we were riding on Route 66! Pulled into Barstow and we decided to get a hotel because they are so cheap. Also because it was getting dark & we all wanted to go out to dinner together and hangout since we were parting ways in the morning. We went to a local Italian spot that was delicious! A really nice couple bought us drinks because they loved what we're doing. That was very sweet of them! After dinner we went back to the hotel and made some funny videos and had a good last night together.
Joe shaking out the tent
the only store around was closed
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