Where's my Wallet!?

De Funiak Springs, FL -> Pensacola: 81miles
Average Speed: 13mph
Time on Bikes: 6:14hrs

On the road again!! We were headed to Milton which would be 60 miles for the day. However, we decided to go all the way to Pensacola because there are Warm Showers (the service available for cyclists to stay for free at a house) available. So we got in touch with Tony this morning from Warm Showers and he said we could pop our tent up in his backyard. Sweeeeet! We are almost there, just taking a quick break at a coffee shop just about 20 miles away from his house. He just texted us "Please arrive hungry. I have dinner for you two. (Or as you would say...yall) ".  I think we can arrange that haha. 

This morning we had a kid ask us to borrow a cell phone and it ended up that he just got out of jail and needed a ride back home to Alabama! He was at least 70 miles away from home. We were cautious but let him use our phone to call his uncle. Anyways we thought we were out of Love Bug country, but we are definitely not! We go through swarms sometimes we have to keep our mouth shut so we don't eat any :P For lunch we stopped by a cute little diner and just as I was going to pay I realized that I didn't have my wallet (a little plastic bag with my money in it). I checked a few bags then got worried. I remembered using it the night before to get a few things for dinner. Then realized it must be at the Fire Station 40 miles away. They weren't answering their phone and I was just really bummed. Then Joe found it at the bottom of one of his bags! "Angels singing" Thank goodness! I had everything in that little plastic baggie. I even ordered a wallet a few days ago (to help prevent this from happening) and I'll be able to pick it up tomorrow at the post office. 

For a while we rode on the old SR 1. It was built in the 1920s and brick paved. Its now a off road bike path. Bumpy but nice to be off the road for a while! 

Ok, we're off to Tony's house....20 miles to go & pretty hectic traffic this way. 


Worst traffic that we've had so far. People were not very considerate and just flew right by us, but we made it. Tony and his wife made us spaghetti and garlic bread. He got us fruit, Oreos, and chocolate milk before we arrived :) So awesome how thoughtful that was!! They even invited their kids and grandkids to have dinner with us! My favorite was hearing stories from Tony's past tours :) Such interesting stories! 


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